A contract is any legally-enforceable promise or set of promises made between parties, as such, reflects the policies represented by freedom of contract. In the civil law, contracts are considered to be part of the general law of obligations. This article describes the law relating to contracts in common law jurisdictions.
On the other hand a:
Dubai Contract
Is a worthless piece of paper designed to protect local landlords while allowing them to tear it up at any time it inconveniences them.
Contracts are what makes commerce happen and until this town wakes up to the fact that contracts are TWO WAY agreements it will remain an outpost living on the oil wealth of its neighbours, full of chancers and surviving on a south sea bubble
The Weasel is considering his options at the moment and to be honest, despite massive skepticism, one option could have been to buy a place here. However this latest display of Dubai commerce has finally convinced me that no-one can trust the commercial-legal system here. Now being evicted is not the end of the world but do we really think all these people who have bought houses here are any better protected than I was?
Where are the freeholds?
Where are the gardens and missing square footage of houses that vanished between plan and reality?
What if they just change their minds tomorrow and rip up the worthless contracts, it's one thing to be evicted but totally another to lose deposits in the 100s of thousands of dhs because they decide that, after all, actually what you had was a Dubai contract..........