Sunday, August 07, 2005

Here we go 2 3 4

No idea whether this will be a regular thing or more likely utterly dependent on boredom and frequency of pub visits.
Been in Dubai for 6 years now and while that is small potatoes for some (especially the old crew who last bought clothes or had a hair-cut in 1979) it does mean I am in the the bizarre position of not really belonging anywhere.
I travel to the UK regularly but not enough to really keep in touch with changes -even simple things like digital TV are new- and of course for those not born here Dubai never really becomes home.
Since moving from East Berlin by the Sea (the delightful Golden Sands Area) we have at last been able to get Sky TV but this doesn't really help since it delivers a very one sided constantly looping view, reading papers helps too but truthfully I guess I may have to accept that the world has moved on. Which leads me to Dubai.
Plenty of others have described it well but to be honest it is best described as we go along.
I will try to temper rants with praise in at least as close a balance as possible.