Sunday, September 16, 2007

Getting the mud and duck out of here

The Weasel can't help but think that the government have really shot themselves in the foot with this illegal alien amnesty.

Arabian business has an article that claims today that 8% of the country is currently trying to leave. That's 350,000 people.

This is hailed as a huge success, and if the residency department's sole job was to rid the country of illegal workers then that must be seen as a result.

However, there is no unemployment or other benefit in this country, well not for foreigners anyway, so what were all these people doing? For sure there were a few beggars but to be honest almost none, so all these people were working.

So they have effectively reduced the working population by over 10% (reduction of 8% of total population)..... overnight...... with no plan of how to replace them......when all their current industries are facing a recruitment crisis........and with a currency tied to the American peso which prevents them attracting any a time when they want to grow the economy by 8% a year.......and with literally thousands of unfinished buildings littering the place.

Good one lads, that'll help the country along no end.

Inflation in Dubai is running at more than 10% a year unless you listen to the govt in which case it is only 8%, this can do nothing but significantly add to this figure, and for all those poor sods (including the Weasel) waiting for a building to be finished, or in many cases, started. Tough.

What in the name of basic economics was wrong with legalising their status?