Friday, October 28, 2005

My kind of job

Glorious little piece in 7 days about a Japanese "artist" paid to get pissed and fall off a beam.

The original report appeared in Ananova and ignoring the blatant inflation of the amount of money paid, it still seems a stunning waste of cash. Now the Weasel likes a bit of art as much as anyone and also the odd beer or three so really this should be right up my alley so to speak.
However I truly can't see how it equals art, maybe I'm a Philistine or maybe the Japanese artist is still laughing at how she got the good citizens of Cardiff to stump up 5 grand for a pissup.

And credit where credit is due, this wasn't a lightweight job, we are talking about 48 bottles here. Now this is serious drinking, especially when you consider her likely size and the fact she is a woman (racist sexist and sizist- but probably true). The Weasel, even when egged on by faithful drinking buddy can rarely manage to polish a crate away and this girl went for two, no wonder she fell off the beam.