Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sobering report today

Secret Dubai and some of the others have picked up on a report published today in the Gulf News (though it does not appear to be on the site now) from AP detailing a report commissioned by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research stating that there is a valid and real Al Qaida threat to the Gulf States and UAE in particular.
In light of today's events on Bali I do again wonder how long it will be before someone takes it into their head to punish us (for being infidels) and Dubai (for allowing us to live Western lives here).
I do feel it is a when not an if to be honest, what to do about it though is a real quandary, I will not live in fear and certainly won't stop going out to pubs and clubs where I have always expected an attack to occur, nor do I want to leave.
The economy would take a nasty dive I have to say, real estate that has helped fuel this crazy boom would probably plummet as the tourists flee, and flee they will, people returned to Bali (eventually) because that island is unique, Dubai at the moment is a good value building site beside some crowded beach and pretty big malls. As the Sinai peninsular hotels in Egypt have discovered, beach hotels are 10 a penny around the world and it is easy to simply avoid the Middle East.
In the longer term they will return but never with the same enthusiasm and always jumpy at every report, I really hope we never have to face this, too much rides on the economy here for all of us.