Saturday, November 26, 2005

On the road

One possible way of controlling traffic numbers and freeing up roads (presumably for land cruisers) is being explored in Kuwait and creating a stir in the UAE.
And this brilliant plan?

Banning all low paid expats from driving and restricting licenses to those with degrees.

Couple of obvious flaws, who is going to do the driving jobs? I doubt any company in the UAE wants to pay more than 5k the qualification level.
Drivers with degrees, possible but not really a viable option.

See while the ancient Sunnymen with the wrecks are a pain in the ass they, in the end, are far less dangerous than the idiot in the land cruiser doing 225 on the hard shoulder or weaving all through traffic flashing lights as if that will ward off the inevitable crash.

Lane discipline is vital and to be honest unheard of here and the sooner people realise that an indicator is not a force field the better. And as for the tossers who feel that driving with fog lamps front and rear is making their piece of crap look cool, well guess what? It doesn't.

But you cannot control this type of driving without effective police patrols on the roads, and to be effective it has to be visible and people have to be seen to be pulled over, all people, that of course is where the problems lie.

On a more positive front my personal vendetta against taxi drivers who pull out in front of me is running at Weasel 3 (2.5 really but who is counting) Taxis 0.5 .

Why taxis, well much as I feel sorry for some their driving really is totally crap and I have twice had huge skidding stops to avoid a major accident. They are identifiable and apparently the company do take complaints seriously, it is a small step but since there is so little effective policing on our roads it is a start.

So Mr Taxi driver next time you try to kill the Weasel expect a phone call

Well the time has arrived to leave (be thrown out of) our quiet little existence in sunny Jumeriah and set off into the sand to set up in The Arabian Desert, sorry Ranches.

This means I will be offline for a couple of weeks, possibly more since there are a couple of important dates coming up.

Rugby - gratuitous beer drinking while pretending to watch sport, spending an entire day in the sun while slowly getting wasted before queuing for hours for a taxi (who upon recognising the Weasel drives off into the sunset).

A1 GP - gratuitous beer drinking while pretending to watch sport, spending an entire day in the sun while slowly getting wasted before queuing for hours for a taxi (who upon recognising the Weasel drives off into the sunset) .

It's just one thing after another .

At least national day gives the Weasel a day of recovery this Saturday, so happy national day to one and all.



Blogger secretdubai said...

Actually - tragically - an enormous number of drivers and cabbies here do hold university degrees. Often bachelors of engineering, computer science, and commerce.

They might be surprised how few people such a law would rule out.

Lane discipline is unheard of because it isn't actually taught in any of the driving schools. Some even teach their pupils: "120k this lane, 100 this lane, 80 the next lane" - actually teaching them behaviour that would get them pulled over and fined in most European countries.

Quis custodet, etc. Most of the instructors never learnt things properly, so what can we expect?

12:23 am  

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