Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cops in road patrol shocker

So Dubai police are making all the right noises re their proposed policy to actually police the roads of the UAE.

Sounds good but reading a little deeper a familiar tale emerges.

"He defended what he acknowledged was a low number of stops, on the basis that officers often did not want to worsen an already dangerous situation by pursuing serious offenders at high speed."

Sounds laudable enough and indeed some EU police forces have this policy in urban areas however that is where this falls of the rails

"But in the case of drivers who and refuse to stop...Instead, a circular with the vehicle’s description would be sent out and when the driver is arrested “he will end up facing much harsher punishment with bigger fines for reckless driving and possible jail time for refusing to cooperate with the police,”

Right, well if he is of poor Indian Sub Continent descent he might, or a westerner with no wasta, maybe, but we all know what will happen to the rest.

The truth is that the police avoid confrontation with anyone who might have any clout at all ,thus ensuring that any wastered local can run from them in the sure knowlage that it will all be sorted by a back room deal.

That is not going to help this appaling carnage on what are excellent roads at all I'm afraid.
Currently according to a UN report Dubai has the third most dangerous rouds in the world, not a record to be proud of in any way.

Interesting report written in 2000 listing some of the sociological reasons for the standard of driving here.

I find it bizarre that a country that pushes Emiterisation so heavily and prizes sons so much, would be quite so complacent as to sit back and watch them slaughtered on their roads, the economic toll alone is enourmous.

And while the Weasel gives not a jot to the UAE's loss he does however want to be able to get to work and back without several emergency stops.


Blogger redstar said...

Usual nonsense from the Traffic Police, to whit the recent 7 Days front page story from their chief officer complaining about 'carnage on the roads'. What next, the head of CID complaining that no cases are solved?

How can a police force not have a clear policy on pulling over speeding cars? Bizarre.

Half the time the offenders aren't even speeding, their simply driving dangerously at low speeds.

1:40 am  
Blogger Keef said...

Inshallah driving.

5:43 pm  

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