That'll teach them then
I know a lot of people want to bury this case but the sentences handed down today for what apparently was a premeditated and planned gang rape of a British girl are appalling.
2 Years - no wonder she stormed from the court. Oh and 10,000 dhs in compensation, presumably that's what the court thinks a gang rape is worth...
The defendants were all locals.
There very much is an attitude amongst some, that she was a westerner who got in a car after being harassed by another group and therefore had it coming, an attitude that this sentence will do nothing to dispel.
The fact that both groups were working together meant this girl had to endure a terrifying ordeal in the desert while her attackers will now do another year and a bit in jail.
This is another small nail in the coffin of Dubai I'm afraid, safety has always been one of the countries biggest selling points, heavily pushed by Dubai inc, and while no society can necessarily prevent this type of attack, they can sentence to deter.
The idea that local youths can pretty much do what they want, with only a slap on the wrist if caught is not unknown to those who live here, but it will come as a shock to the western countries on whom this place depends for tourism dollars.
We await the appeal procedure which can raise or lower the sentence, and hopefully will review this for the sake of all women here.
2 Years - no wonder she stormed from the court. Oh and 10,000 dhs in compensation, presumably that's what the court thinks a gang rape is worth...
The defendants were all locals.
There very much is an attitude amongst some, that she was a westerner who got in a car after being harassed by another group and therefore had it coming, an attitude that this sentence will do nothing to dispel.
The fact that both groups were working together meant this girl had to endure a terrifying ordeal in the desert while her attackers will now do another year and a bit in jail.
This is another small nail in the coffin of Dubai I'm afraid, safety has always been one of the countries biggest selling points, heavily pushed by Dubai inc, and while no society can necessarily prevent this type of attack, they can sentence to deter.
The idea that local youths can pretty much do what they want, with only a slap on the wrist if caught is not unknown to those who live here, but it will come as a shock to the western countries on whom this place depends for tourism dollars.
We await the appeal procedure which can raise or lower the sentence, and hopefully will review this for the sake of all women here.
it was 10,000, and 1 dhs. but that is only temporary compensation, they still have to decide on a final amount.
It's an absolutely appaling verdict, they do plan to appeal it or somesuch but even for an initial verdict it is certainly ludicrous.
The worst part is that they actually let two of the suspects off. wastafarianism (tm) (r) if I have ever heard it.
The KT report starts with the sentence:
"Four Emirati men in their 20s were yesterday sentenced by the Dubai Criminal Court to two years in jail each for cunningly kidnapping and raping....."
KT making a hash out of it again.
It's a disgusting verdict, but I suspect that Sam is correct.
Wastaman to the rescue once again - protecting the guilty from crimes they did commit.
Can someone explain why her first name was shown, and theirs was not, even if they were found guilty. Is there some law about it?
You would think so - if there is such a thing as name suppression in the UAE for the innocent. It seems to be in place for the accused!
Seems to be out of balance doesn't it? Intials for the guilty and full first name for the victim.
That's why I cut off the KT quote where I did.
well according to emirates today they couldn't name her to protect her identity.
Regardless, this isn't the first time wastafarianism has played onto the proceedings of a rape case. I can't really go into details, but I have heard of other cases where people have magically been removed from the suspect list after a bit of a dash from the worcester sauce bottle.
It is shocking that a couple of them got 'off' and the sentence of the others was also pathetic. But this is the time to realise that no matter how many Emaar properties they sell to the West nor how more and more expats flock here, some things shall remain the same. I know some of these judges and I also know their way of thinking. I can bet you this judge was of the opinion that a female out alone is asking for it. (I know, I man has the right to...blah blah....which is correct). BUT this is how they FECKING (PP) think.
I personally am really sorry that she was out alone, which I think is a serious no-no at night, especially here where many crimes go unreported. One lesson to be learnt for the ladies is this is not a safe place. Please make sure everyone knows this. And for local men, here is your tip: gang rape and you will only get 2 yrs and maybe even get off completely.
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-Law No. (31) of 2021
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-Law No. (30) of 2021
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-law No. (29) of 2021
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-law No. (28) of 2021
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-law No. (27) of 2021
United Arab Emirates, Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2021
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